-So before I give you the last challenge for our fabulous February game, let me just say I will probably not get around to announcing the winner until Sunday or possibly even Monday.
Caution: Crazy Weekend Up Ahead.
-I want to go through and tally up all ya'll's points again to make sure you and I match.
-Also, some of you had a question as to whether or not you got the 5 extra points for the grocery sack garbage challenge if you use all grocery bags throughout your house except for your kitchen.
Sorry, folks. Only 5 extra for that challenge if ALL you use throughout your WHOLE house are grocery type sacks....even kitchen.
So your last challenge is this:
Have a nice little sit-down with Hubby, or room-mate, or the Parentals....whomever you co-habitate with, and discuss what you as a household are going to do to cut back on expenses. It doesn't have to be a major cut-back, but a cut-back nonetheless.

Hayley: I hereby vow to be more conscious of my paper towel usage.
Tyler: How so?
Hayley: I will NOT use paper towels when a sponge or dish towel will do the trick. And if I do use a paper towel for a small little water wipe-up, I will fold it nicely and save it for the next time I need to grab a quick nappie.
Tyler: Well done.

Also, it doesn't have to be something from our game.
Whatever you choose to do to save a buck or 2 is awesome!
Just let us all know what you choose.
10 POINTS for this challenge.
Go out with a bang, Ladies. Out with a bang.
Caution: Crazy Weekend Up Ahead.

-Also, some of you had a question as to whether or not you got the 5 extra points for the grocery sack garbage challenge if you use all grocery bags throughout your house except for your kitchen.
Sorry, folks. Only 5 extra for that challenge if ALL you use throughout your WHOLE house are grocery type sacks....even kitchen.
So your last challenge is this:
Have a nice little sit-down with Hubby, or room-mate, or the Parentals....whomever you co-habitate with, and discuss what you as a household are going to do to cut back on expenses. It doesn't have to be a major cut-back, but a cut-back nonetheless.

Hayley: I hereby vow to be more conscious of my paper towel usage.
Tyler: How so?
Hayley: I will NOT use paper towels when a sponge or dish towel will do the trick. And if I do use a paper towel for a small little water wipe-up, I will fold it nicely and save it for the next time I need to grab a quick nappie.
Tyler: Well done.

Also, it doesn't have to be something from our game.
Whatever you choose to do to save a buck or 2 is awesome!
Just let us all know what you choose.
10 POINTS for this challenge.
Go out with a bang, Ladies. Out with a bang.
sorry, my grocery bag challenge tally is wrong then :)
tyler and i have discussed and we are going to REALLY cut back on eating out. i'm not saying we'll never do it, but rarely. we are also both going to be aware of things like TP, paper towels, lights, heat, etc. and we will try to remind each other.
we will also try to avoid big extra purchases (like an IPOD Touch :))
I've really appreciated the challenges. This whole month we have been thinking of ways to save money. So we finally sat down and came up with some things-
I'm going to start using grocery sacks instead of trash bags in the kitchen
I just started cutting our drysheets in half, so they go twice as long
We've made a goal not to eat out for a month (even with gift cards, because we always go over on those)
Oh and we have totally given up paper towels. The husband doesn't like this idea, but I have enough dish towels to get through each week until laundry day so I'm all for it!
And we are going to do next years winter clothes shopping (for our little one) now with our tax return so that we can buy clearance clothes and then pack them away til next winter. (I like this one the best, shopping is always fun!) Does anyone know when Old Navy has their Amazing Clearance sale? You know, when items our like $2? That's the type of clearance sale I'm looking for!
Okay, so ours is sort of major, but also not really major at all. We're going to start making half of our monthly mortgage payments every two weeks. So basically, we'll make 26 payments a year which equals out to be 13 monthly payments annually. Over the life of our loan we calculated that we will save over $100k!!! Crazy, huh? Just by making a couple extra payments a year...no big deal, but way big deal, all at the same time.
Anyway, aside from that, we are heading into sandal season and I have been known to get manis and pedis on a very regular basis. I'm not gonna cut them out entirely, but I am going to three pedis and no manis between the months of March and September. I will have to paint my own nails between pedis.
We tried to brainstorm ways to save money.I suggested the hubs cutting back on his diet coke addiction, but that got axed.
I have just started making my own baby food for the twinners so now I can feed them for pennies a meal instead of dollars.
I'm trying to be aware of the heat because I like to crank it up in the mornings or it gets left on in the kids room.
And also watch the groceries. I tend to impulse buy and don't always get the best deals or things we don't need like candy.
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