This blog is to showcase steals, thrills, & mega deals in the shopping world. By this, I don't mean snatching up a Coach bag off E-bay for a couple hundred bones...I mean snatching up EVERYDAY needs (& sometimes wants) for pennies on the children's socks for $1, cream of mushroom soup for 50 cents, Old Navy skirts for 99 it? Feel free to pass any of YOUR fab finds my way & I'll post them, giving credit to you of course. Happy Savings!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Friday's Challenge...ALMOST THERE!!!

So for Friday, we're going to see just how much you've learned over the course of 28 days.

Second to Last Challenge:
Choose 5, yes I repeat, 5 challenges and do all 5 of them in 1 day. Can you do it? Do you have true frugality-ness in your chi?

Let's find out.

1-I will do the toilet paper challenge.
2-I will make a change jar & collect random coin findings all day long.
3-I will NOT ALLOW anyone in my house to eat restaurant bought food today,
except for 1 meal.
4-I will turn my heater down....way down.
5-I will forego using the car for a few of my errands today and walk instead.

By doing this, I will earn 10 points for EVERY challenge I complete. must complete ALL 5 to get ANY points.

So basically it's 50 points or nothin.

Go Team! You can do it!

And here I go again messing up all your points, but I had no idea you would all be able to find such KILLER deals on the challenge where you had to find an item you want & then find it for a cheaper price.

I am going to set the cap for points on that challenge at 70 points. So if you got more than 70 points, then you can only tally up 70 for that challenge (I will adjust your score for you).....and if you got less than 70 points for that challenge, then this doesn't apply to your score. Sorry...again...for being a stickler.

Okay, start organizing your day of a frugal lifestyle for tomorrow!

Good Luck!


Lindsay said...

Ooh - sounds fun. I actually made a list of eight challenges that I'm gonna try to complete today, so in case I screw up one or two I will still get my 50 points. BTW - The No Snacks After Dinner challenge is not one of the eight. It is Friday after all. ;)

Also, the books I listed on are selling like crazy! Thanks for motivating me to stop the "cash" on my bookshelves from collecting too much dust. I still have some books for sale so let me know if you want to brush up on your knowledge of Marxism or African-American science fiction. ;)

Danielle said...

I did the following 5 challenges-
-shorter shower
-skipped using 3 beauty products
-kept 3 lights off all day
-used plastic grocery sacks in stead of trash bags
-brown bagged it for meals today

Kristine Gray said...

I did the following:
No heat
Kept 3 lights off
Made a B-day card instead of buying one
Short shower
3 squares of TP

Lindsey said...

eating out
shorter shower
bottled water
research cheaper price on an item I NEED

done and done

Lindsay said...

-Only used recycled garbage sacks
-kept at least three lights off all day
-used at least three fewer beauty products
-took a super quick shower
-drank only tap
-walked instead of drove (except for one errand that was definitely not walking distance)