This blog is to showcase steals, thrills, & mega deals in the shopping world. By this, I don't mean snatching up a Coach bag off E-bay for a couple hundred bones...I mean snatching up EVERYDAY needs (& sometimes wants) for pennies on the children's socks for $1, cream of mushroom soup for 50 cents, Old Navy skirts for 99 it? Feel free to pass any of YOUR fab finds my way & I'll post them, giving credit to you of course. Happy Savings!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb 24th Challenge: Today's the day we Go Green! Read on...

.....I'm not talking about becoming an environmentalist or saving trees for a day (although that's not a bad idea), but I am talking about green as in vegetables, gardening,
you know -- the great outdoors.
Oh, and saving a little green as a byproduct.

Here's your challenge for Tuesday:
Discuss garden plans with your spouse or those you live with. If a large vegetable/fruit garden isn't a possibility for you, then discuss the possibility of growing your own herbs. Herbs are actually quite easy to grow & maintain, & most can be done in a pot. So NO EXCUSES!

Points, Points, so what about the Points?
Discuss WHAT you will plant: 2 pts
Discuss WHERE you will plant: 2 pts
Discuss WHEN you will plant: 2 pts
Any extra steps you take towards planting will result in
5 extra points per step.

-Tyler & I discuss that we will plant tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, green beans, pumpkins, squash, peas, & herbs this year. 2pts
-Tyler & I discuss the placement of each plant...potatoes along the fence, tomatoes in the cages by the edge of the garden.... 2 pts
-Tyler & I discuss we will start planting Saturday, March 7th. 2 pts
-I do some research on-line to learn more about growing herbs. 5 pts
-I go to OSH & buy our seeds. 5pts
-I mix in some compost out back. 5pts
*TOTAL for the day: 21 pts*

Why the garden?
Because everything we plant are things we eat in our household. It's a whole heck of a lot cheaper to grow them on my own than to buy them at the store.

Here's why it's cheaper:
1- I don't charge myself for the produce (duh)
2- I'm not paying for pesticides and farm fees for my produce
3- I'm not paying for gas for the produce delivery truck.
4- I'm not paying to help the selling grocery stores make a profit.

And in addition, I like knowing that we have some sense of's unfortunately a dying trait in our society.

Happy Garden Discussions!


Kristine Gray said...

Do I have to start from seeds or I can I get seedlings?

SISSY said...

We have discussed 2 pts
We are planting it towards the end of March and in the side yard 4 pts
We planted seeds, the greenhouse is sitting in my kitchen. Jase is the green thumb around here, and loves to garden!! Yeah

Lindsay said...

Hmmm...maybe I'll have to discuss our summer/fall garden because our garden box is spoken for with our winter garden in full swing. We have onions galore, scallions, potatoes, asparagus and strawberries... I saw the potato sprouts pokin' their little heads up at me yesterday! Yum!

Danielle said...

We discussed what we would plant- herbs, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, onions, spinach, and peppers.
We are going to plant in the backyard by our patio.
And we are planning on planting on April 10th.
Extra steps I took today
-I bought seeds for parsley, cilantro, peas, and tomatoes.
-I called our landlord (actually I did this before we discussed anything at all) to make sure it was okay that we dug up the backyard
-I created a spot and container to throw compost stuff into (egg shells, potato peels, etc...) to take out to a future compost spot. I'll work on the outside compost spot probably this weekend.
-I printed off a chart from our local university about soil, testing it, and what to buy for it. It's our first garden in Oklahoma so I'm looking up a ton of stuff about what grows good here and what the soil is like
-I found a lot of info on herbs online. Last year I just planted seeds without any research and we ended up only getting cilantro out of 5 herbs that we planted
-I emailed a person in our church and set up a date to borrow a tiller to work the ground.
=36 points
this challenge was perfect! I'm always behind on getting a garden started. Last year I didn't start planting til mid May! This year with being in a new state and not knowing what gardening is like here, I'm glad we are getting planning and stuff underway already.

Kristine Gray said...

We talked about trying to grow stuff once again on the balcony. After considering it we decided that after 6 years of trying(and I mean really trying!) to grow something on the balcony and every time having everything die, we decided not to waste the money. The cactus is the only thing that doesn't die out there no matter what we do.
Do I get any points?

Ashley said...

I don't think Tyler would be up for discussing a garden with me. Just verified--he doesn't care and can't be bothered. But I did cut out a coupon for cheap seeds (I think from Walgreens--5 packs for $1.00) (although I've never had anything grow successfully from seeds).

What I really am trying to say is, I started a coin jar over the weekend. I put coins in it. I've just been really bad at commenting, but I'm still loving the blog!

Lindsey said...

did the planning stuff...6 points

prep soil and sprayed weeds 5 pts.
discussed with a gardening expert about specific things- 5 pts.

16 pts

Lindsay said...

My husband didn't get home until the wee hours last night so I didn't discuss anything with him, but I had a discussion with myself in my head. Does that count? If yes, then 6 points.