Like Danielle said, I too turn lights on out of habit. I left 1 in my kitchen off all day and didn't ever once miss it.....not even when it was cloudy and raining outside. Go figure!
So here's your second WEEKEND BONUS CHALLENGE:
This is a muti-part task so pay close attention.
This is a muti-part task so pay close attention.
1-Estimate how much money you will spend over the weekend (Saturday wake up THRU Sunday bedtime. By spend I mean actually spend in 2 days...eating out, entertainment, babysitting...not how much the homemade dinner is costing.
Only estimate for what you will be spending this weekend).

2-Save ALL receipts from this weekend:
gas, restaurant, fun, movie rentals, grocery purchases, Valentine's Day goodies...)
= 20 POINTS (saving receipts is a hard thing...I know.)

3-Sunday night, sit down with your spouse, or friend or parent, depending on your situation, and discuss how much you spent and whether or not each & every single purchase was a NEED or a WANT. =20 POINTS
Only estimate for what you will be spending this weekend).

2-Save ALL receipts from this weekend:
gas, restaurant, fun, movie rentals, grocery purchases, Valentine's Day goodies...)
= 20 POINTS (saving receipts is a hard thing...I know.)

3-Sunday night, sit down with your spouse, or friend or parent, depending on your situation, and discuss how much you spent and whether or not each & every single purchase was a NEED or a WANT. =20 POINTS

That's right ladies, there's the possibility of increasing your score by 45 points this weekend. Who's in & what do you estimate you will spend?
Hmmm... I'm in!
I'm in and I am guessing $50- only because it is vday though.
So I estimated $15 for the weekend. I ended up spending $24.32. I actually thought I would be spending $15 on a fitness item but couldn't find it but in the means of looking I needed to get gas, so that is what the $24.32 went to. I kept the receipt and went over it with my husband. We actually usually budget and go over our receipts for the week each Sunday so we went over the whole week this afternoon. The gas we decided was a need and were very happy to see that we went 24 days in between buying gas! 45 points!
Thanks for another great challenge!
i guessed $0 (hey, i'm a dependant!) and i actually spent $2 on a bottle of water because my date wasn't courteous enough to buy it for me (hrumph...) yes i know that bottled water is NOT worth $2 so i guess i wasted the money.
as for family, we spent nearly $25 stocking up for the week on junk food alone. yah it wasn't really necessary. but hey! i'm not paying for it!
(random letter) verification below: "diliss" =P
I finished the challenge!!! I did all the steps. We decided that MacDonald's on Saturday was a "want", but sometimes we really need a meal out and since it was our only meal out for the week, we decided it was okay. Then for food shopping I spent $40 less then I thought. Going over the receipts was fun! 45 points!
I completed the tasks. :) Our estimated cost was about $60 for going out for dinner and movie. We only spent $40 and decided not to go to the movies and went to a nice dinner instead. We kept all our receipts and decided everything we did was a want over Valentine's. I mean I guess we needed the food, but not to go out and eat it, that was a want!! :)
well, we did it. it was easy since we were both sick on Sat. and couldn't really go out. we only had one receipt for $27.45.
i will gladly accept my 45 points.
I estimated basic costs for V-day gifts and traveling expenses/food for Fri/Sat (minus gas) at around $100. We spent right around that amount. We did our usual finance meeting tonight to go over budget stuff... and I added in the wants/needs conversation.
Kevin would not agree to keep receipts (he hates paper clutter!), but we kept track of everything on our computers. I think the lengthy finance discussion tonight definitely earned me my 45 points.
Check, check, check. We did all the steps and came out right on par with our budget for the weekend (except we were over for our VDay lunch and under for our trip to the grocery store...but almost exact for the overall), except I didn't spend the $30 at Target I was expecting to because I never made it there. That $30 will be gladly spent today though. As far as wants vs. needs, the $50 VDay lunch was definitely a want, but hey, it was the day of love and I love Ethiopian food! I considered most of our groceries needs, especially because I didn't let myself buy any expensive food items like prosciutto or fancy cheeses. And I scored some pretty sweet deals with an overall total savings of 59%!
So I estimated that gas would be $30, groceries about $100 and a play mat for the twins, plus medicine and baby items would be around $75. Total of around $200.
Saved all the receipts and the total for the weekend came to:
$135.16-at Wal Mart for play mat, cold medicine, detergent, light bulbs,wipes, and printer paper.
Total of $281.52
We decided most were needs. I think the candy Louis got at the grocery store was a Want, but he totally disagrees with me for some reason. I guess the Play Mat was a want but it keeps the kids from burbing all over the rug, thus saving cleaning costs.
Louis wouldn't let me see the receipt for my Vday present-definitely a want.
that's burping, not burbing by the way.
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