And just to toot my own horn, I didn't drive ONCE today, which for me is a feat because I go stir crazy if inside all day. We walked all our errands today!
So on to Wednesday's challenge...this will be a tough one for me.
Every Wednesday Avy goes to a fun little gym class. Jamba is on the way home & she says "Jamba" so adorable-y, so of course we HAVE to stop EVERY Wednesday after class.
This will be the last "save the calories" post of the week, I promise, but since Wed is our Jamba day, I am willing to sacrifice.
Here's Wed's tasky:
Today, let's drink NOTHING but water....and we can include milk in there too if needed for cereal and such. But no juice, no soda, no Starbucks, no Jamba. Nada. Just the pure, fresh, FREE H2O.
And I say FREE because I know you're easing up on the bottled water these days.
I promise I'm not doing this to selectively call certain people out on particular habits -you know who you are- :) but really, we could save a lot of dollars if we cut back our bevies!
Are you in? You could win yourself 3 lovely points today!!!
Great! I already drank Oj with my toast this morning, BUT I mixed it up two days ago... so I would be wasting it to let it sit in the fridge... right? I need to read this first thing in the morning.
Oh man - I just opened a big bottle of CranGrape last night...it stares at me every time I open the fridge. Maybe I should put it in one of the drawers until tomorrow???
I need to read this earlier in the day. I have already sucked down more than one can of the good stuff. I think these challenges are set up for my failure!
Easy one! Given up the soda since I got pregnant.
We had nothing but water today in our house (well, except for the little munchkin)! Thanks for the challenges!
Completed this challenge. Wasn't too hard since I don't keep soda in the house and we've run out of juice.
Accomplished this one.
I did it! Except I did have my glucose drink this morning for my glucose test. Does that count? :)
I drank water all day, but went to a party in the evening and had sparkling cider. Does that count? I didn't spend a dime of my own money on the bubbly.
a nursing mother craves this one. done and done.
sorry sista, the rules specifically state no drinking of any libation except water. even if you didn't pay for it (milk was acceptable).
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