This blog is to showcase steals, thrills, & mega deals in the shopping world. By this, I don't mean snatching up a Coach bag off E-bay for a couple hundred bones...I mean snatching up EVERYDAY needs (& sometimes wants) for pennies on the children's socks for $1, cream of mushroom soup for 50 cents, Old Navy skirts for 99 it? Feel free to pass any of YOUR fab finds my way & I'll post them, giving credit to you of course. Happy Savings!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just a few lil reasons why Old Navy receives my love:

I guess the overall occurring theme here is that
ALL CLEARANCE is an ADDITIONAL 50% off right now.

Enter promo code: HALFOFF at checkout

Reason #1: hat & mitten set.....99 cents

Reason #2: Boys hoody..... $2.99

Reason #3: Girls striped turtleneck..... $2.99

Reason #4: A gazillion socks..... $3.99

I know for sure you can get 50% off on-line, but I'm not sure if this applies to clearance in store as well....anyone know?

And a big THANKS to my friend Becky for this little tid-bit of information. It's good to know that even though you've moved from the Bay Area, your Savvy Shopper Self lives on.


Natalie said...

I was just on last night getting super cute stuff for just a couple dollars. I am addicted to Old Navy!! I believe it is only on the clearance items...not on bargains or other discounted stuff. And only online.

Lindsay said...

I was at the mall on Wednesday and there was a sign on the Old Navy windows that said "50% off all clearance items". I would have stopped in and loaded up except that I had a freak-a-zoid baby screaming its head off! Don't know if it's still going on now, but probably.

Laura said...

I was able to get a few things with this discount, but I was kind of disappointed because several of the items listed in the clearance section were actually out of stock when I went to check out. The moral of the story is there are good deals, but don't get too attached to anything until you are all the way checked out.

LJ, DC and ML said...

Holy freaking cow. that's amazing.Hayley, you will now officially be my personal shopper. Deal? deal!