Thank You, Toys R Us for this coupon!
Print the coupon & get a free train car 3/21 - 3/22.
Print the coupon & get a free train car 3/21 - 3/22.

Peace out, Sir Topham.
This blog is to showcase steals, thrills, & mega deals in the shopping world. By this, I don't mean snatching up a Coach bag off E-bay for a couple hundred bones...I mean snatching up EVERYDAY needs (& sometimes wants) for pennies on the children's socks for $1, cream of mushroom soup for 50 cents, Old Navy skirts for 99 it? Feel free to pass any of YOUR fab finds my way & I'll post them, giving credit to you of course. Happy Savings!
I just got back from getting our free thomas! Thanks so much for the coupon. I can't believe how expensive they are at regular price! Also, you might want to check with your Toy R Us store but here they are having a Little Peoples fair and giving out free DVDs too from 12-2 today
thanks, danielle!
Thanks so much! I got the free trains too! I had NOOOOOO idea how expensive they were either! Insane!
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