This blog is to showcase steals, thrills, & mega deals in the shopping world. By this, I don't mean snatching up a Coach bag off E-bay for a couple hundred bones...I mean snatching up EVERYDAY needs (& sometimes wants) for pennies on the children's socks for $1, cream of mushroom soup for 50 cents, Old Navy skirts for 99 it? Feel free to pass any of YOUR fab finds my way & I'll post them, giving credit to you of course. Happy Savings!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Are you sick of the DSS vanishing acts?

I'm sorry I disappeared for the past week. Please don't give up on me.
I am sorry if DSS was a major disappointment to you all seeing as how there was
NOTHING new for a week, but I can't lie....

I was in Maui & enjoying myself thouroughly.
I mean come on, if you were having this much fun, would you consider snuggling up in a nook with a computer?

And being the savvy shopper & $ saver that I am, there was no way I was going to shell out some major buckage for internet access each day.

But I'm back & staying put the rest of summer.

So look forward to some SERIOUS Savvy Shopper Postings.
Thanks for your patience.


Tammy said...

Totally missed you!! How fun you went to Maui! I'm jealous!

Stephanie said...

Glad you were gone having fun!